Hotel and Hospitality

Hotel and Hospitality

POLAR Plus Excellence Hub also offers a range of comprehensive management and consultancy services specifically tailored for the hospitality industry. These services encompass various aspects, such as providing technical expertise training and mentorship, implementing effective management techniques, and ensuring the smooth operation of restaurants and hotels. This includes setting up and managing kitchens for both new establishments and existing ones, facilitating a connection platform between travel agencies and hotels, overseeing interior design development, and organizing events that bring together hotel and hospitality owners.

In addition, POLAR Plus Excellence Hub also offers hospitality services to clients such as arraigning meeting and conference facilities; organizing events, providing client reception and concierge services, offering catering and refreshments, facilitating business accommodation; and arranging business travel and transportation services.

POLAR Plus Excellence Hub would work closely with the customers to understand their needs and deliver services that align with their brand image and customer expectations.

The methodology for offering these services, we follow the following typical steps:

  1. Needs Assessment: The first step is to conduct a thorough needs assessment in collaboration with the clients. This involves understanding their specific requirements, goals, and expectations regarding hospitality services.
  2. Customization and Planning: Based on the needs assessment, Our Company customizes their offerings to align with their requirements. This includes determining the scope of services, establishing service level agreements (SLAs), and creating a detailed plan outlining the timelines, deliverables, and key milestones.
  3. Staffing and Training: POLAR Plus Excellence Hub selects and trains a team of qualified personnel who have the necessary skills and knowledge to cater to the hospitality industry. This may involve providing specialized, customer service, data privacy, and other relevant topics.
  4. Service Delivery: POLAR Plus Excellence Hub delivers the agreed-upon services in accordance with the established plan and SLAs. This may include on-site support for events, managing dining facilities, coordinating travel arrangements, providing concierge services, and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.
  5. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Throughout the service delivery process, POLAR Plus Excellence Hub monitors the quality and effectiveness of their services. This involves gathering feedback from the hospitality industry and its clients, conducting performance evaluations, and making necessary improvements to enhance service delivery.
  6. Continuous Improvement: POLAR Plus Excellence Hub continually seeks ways to improve their services based on feedback, industry best practices, and emerging trends. We proactively identify opportunities to enhance efficiency, add value, and deliver an exceptional experience to the industry and its clients.

Quick Contacts

Tel: +251 996 454545, +251 922 424242